"Sir Christopher Chope re-elected as MP for Christchurch" - Bournemouth Echo
Parts of Chris's speech:
"This is the eighth occasion on which the people of Christchurch have put their trust in me.
It is a great relief for a night that has not been good for the Conservatives.
The team together is responsible for ensuring this great result today.
I am very disappointed in the result nationally.
This has been caused by the people on the centre-right splitting.
If you split in a two-party system, then it lets in your opponents.
And unless the Conservatives and the other parties from the centre-right unite, we will find ourselves condemned for many years in the future.
So, I plea to all those who support centre-right parties to get together and unite."
Bournemouth Echo said "Sir Christopher polled a significant 16,941 votes." To read their full article please CLICK HERE.
In Christchurch there were:
• 47478 ballot papers
• 71060 electorate
• 143 rejected ballot papers
• a turnout of 66.81%